Dr. Anne Ellison
Dr. Anne Ellison is a past-president of the Board of Directors of CHADD. She authored Interventions for ADHD: Treatment in developmental context, and Clinical neuropsychological assessment and interventions for children (2nd edition). Dr. Ellison was a co-editor of the CHADD Educator's Manual on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder from an educational perspective; and, a co-author of Teacher to Teacher (T2T): ADHD Goes to School. Dr. Ellison is a Professor Emerita at UWM, and is teaching in the clinical psychology program at USCA. She was inducted into CHADD’s Hall of Fame.

Chris A. Zeigler Dendy
Chris A. Zeigler Dendy, a popular author, former educator, school psychologist, and children’s mental health professional
with 45+ years’ experience, is the mother of three grown children and five
grandchildren with ADHD. She and her late husband have provided training
nationally and internationally. She has authored four popular books and two
DVDs on ADHD. Her first book, Teenagers with ADD & ADHD has sold over
100,000 copies. Her latest book, Teaching Teens with ADD, ADHD, & Executive
Function Deficits, 2nd ed, was released in 2011. In November of 2014, she
received CHADD’s Lifetime Achievement Award; this is only the second time the
award has been given. In 2006 she was inducted into CHADD’s Hall of Fame. As a
volunteer, she was the lead author for the CHADD Educator's Manual and is a
co-founder of CHADD's Teacher-to-Teacher program.