Barbara Flanagan
A senior associate with PCG
Education, Dr. Barbara Flanagan provides support to serveral state projects
that include a focus on students with disabilities. Prior to joining PCG
Education, Barbara provided special education leadership in rural and urban
Virginia school districts as a special education coordinator, compliance
specialist, and Director of Special Education Services. Dr. Flanagan also
served as Director for the Virginia Department of Education’s Training and
Technical Assistance Center at Virginia Tech, providing local capacity building
and technical assistance to school leaders and educators in 34 school districts
to meet the educational, behavioral, functional and transition needs of
students with disabilities. Barbara is a past recipeint of the Council for
Learning Disabilties (CLD) Outstanding Teacher Award.

Amy Howie
For PCG Education, Amy Howie is Director of Project SUCCESS, Indiana’s Resource Network for Common Core State Standards for Students with Disabilities. In this role, she provides universal and targeted supports to teachers and administrators across the state. Amy regularly provides professional development to districts on assessment, instruction and programming for special education students. She works collaboratively with the Indiana Department of Education to respond to the individual needs of districts, building statewide capacity for increased achievement of students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Prior to joining PCG Education, Ms. Howie was a special education teacher for ten years, including experience at elementary and secondary levels and covering a range of disability areas and instructional settings including elementary, secondary and vocational education settings. For the past six years, Amy was assistant principal in two Indiana districts where she led efforts to improve instruction and increase achievement by developing and supporting special education programming; Response to Intervention initiatives; and Positive Behavioral Support programs. Additional areas of expertise include use of evidence-based instructional strategies, assessment, special programming including s504 and ENL; parent and community involvement; and academic and behavioral interventions, specifically aimed at the secondary level.