Sarah Feldman
Sarah Feldman is a Senior Research Associate at WestEd and project director for Beyond the Workshop, an online teacher professional development initiative. She has taught secondary history and worked as an administrator of a large public middle school in CA. She trained principals for urban California schools and has facilitated in-person professional development workshops for school administrators and teachers. She taught graduate-level literacy courses for teacher certification and developed training tools in Adolescent Literacy for the Doing What Works project. Sarah has developed and facilitated Beyond the Workshop courses for three years. Sarah received a BA in history from Brown University; a M.Ed from Harvard University, M.A from San Francisco State University, and an Ed.D from Mills College.

Seewan Eng
Seewan Eng is a Research Associate at WestEd and leads the design and development of online teacher professional development courses as well as online toolkits and resource libraries for the U.S. Department of Education. Seewan taught middle and high school for nine years, including a K-8 teacher-run school in San Francisco USD where she co-led summer institutes and staff development. As a trained facilitator and teacher leader, she has also led site-based professional learning communities focusing on literacy and data-based instruction to close the achievement gap. She is currently on the advisory board of the San Francisco Coalition of Essential Small Schools, which provides coaching, technical assistance, and professional development to a network of schools focused on equity, inquiry, and achievement. Seewan received a BA in educational studies and American history from Brown University; an EdM in teaching and curriculum in social studies from Harvard University; and National Board Certification.