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This course addresses aspects of instruction including the process for designing and organizing content that is accessible for all learners, including students eligible for special education and English learners. The sections in this course guide teachers through the process of training the paraprofessional in the use of formative assessment data to create standards-based lessons that deliver rigorous instruction that is accessible to all students.

About This Course

In this course, through various lessons and activities both in their school and in the course, teachers will design standards-based instruction to ensure paraprofessionals are implementing instructional practices and supports to meet the needs of all students. They will learn to identify learning barriers, as well as learn about research-based strategies that teachers and paraprofessionals can use to provide access to the curriculum. Teachers will learn how to train paraprofessionals to use the principles of teaching English learners through an asset-based student strength paradigm that builds on the experiences and skills students bring to school, and support paraprofessionals in implementing courses they have taken to meet the ELL and Special Education Subject Matter Certificates. Additionally, teachers will learn to support paraprofessionals as they record and maintain accurate student data use technology to support learning and instruction.


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Simply Audit this Course

Can't commit to all of the lectures, assignments, and tests? Audit this course and have complete access to all of the course material, tests, people, portfolios, and the online discussion forum. You decide what and how much you want to do.

Try for a Certificate

Looking to test your mettle? Participate in all of the course's activities (we use the honor code around here) and if your work meets the 85% requirements, you'll receive a personalized certificate to showcase your achievement. You can also apply for course credit (if desired).

Course Staff

PCG Education’s Pepper modules are developed by educational professionals with deep experience in teaching and learning, instructional leadership, curriculum design, professional development, and the implementation of College and Career Ready Standards. Our subject matter experts hold advanced degrees and have years of classroom experience. In addition to being excellent educators and dynamic professional development facilitators, many of our staff have held leadership roles in schools, district offices, and state departments of education.
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Course Code: PARA113
Course Release: Mar 22, 2019
Credit Hours: 3 Hours

Suggested Prerequisites:

NASA Member $13.05
Non-Member $17.40